Nadifa Mohamed - The Fortune Men

apr 30th, 2024

you should read this book. it is about how racism corrupts the justice system, about how the police fake evidence and coerce witnesses, and about how segregation pushed people into poverty, forcing them to turn to crime. it's also about a real guy, who had to suffer all of this. it's not a biography, but a fictionalised version that's more "well, based on what we do know about what happened and what the time period was like, here's a series of events that could have happened"

it's a heavy read. it doesn't really spare any detail with regard to its subject matter. but i do think it is well written and an important book. i got it from the library (thank you library) & you should check yours.

Meltberry - Cause/Effect

apr 21th, 2024 (link)

it’s running so deep and spilling over the surface / i'm gunning for my love who’s spitting back into my face
i’m stunning, so sleek and just a little bit nervous / and honey I’m just laughing at the sheer lack of purpose

i haven't been involved with the vocalsynth scene for a LONG time but i've become interested in making my own voicebank so i've been poking around there again lately. always wonderful to find that an old favourite has released new music :) this is a human vocalist: they do original songs and covers of vocaloid ones.