apr 22nd, 2024

very cool and nice 👍 gave me more teeth per tooth (fillings) and explained what they were doing the whole time.

emergency travel banana
o emergency banana you were the ideal of ripeness and also a food when i was hungry. everyone should have an emergency banana or other snack with them.

grooving headphones bus station dude
hell yeah keep on being funky

they are like small boats that are full of malice. huge fan of them & the big pond that they live in
wish people would stop feeding them white bread though: it's not good for them!! they'll get sick! you should give them fresh peas instead

random fishing guy
i don't think you'll catch anything there but i think you are performing an essential service by trying so keep it up

bag of mysterious gelatinous animals
textures 👍

apr 21th, 2024

this is like the cheap shampoo i had to use as a kid that made the worst foam in the world. like the weakest lamest wateriest bubbles you ever did see. it is also like the cherry flavoured liquid iron supplement i had to take. it's BAD.

i will continue to eat it.